How to Treat Gum Disease

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Gum disease is one of the most serious oral health problems in our country. Nearly half of all adults over 30 have advanced gum disease. One reason it is so common is that people often do not think there is a problem when it first sets in. While prevention and early treatment is best, later-stage treatments are also available to restore oral health.

Gum disease occurs when bacteria from plaque infect gum tissue. In the early stage of the infection, symptoms include inflammation, redness, receding gums, and easy bleeding while brushing or flossing. Pain is not a part of the infection, so many people write it off or notice no real change. But if left alone, gum disease can result in the loss of gum tissue, bone, and even teeth.

At Creekside Dental Ellensburg, we offer a range of treatments for gum disease. Some of these, such as scaling and root planing, aim to deeply clean an infected area in order to prevent the infection from spreading further. For treating more severe conditions, gingival gum grafting may be necessary. In this procedure, Dr. Forrest Packard will re-cover exposed tooth roots with healthy oral tissue. Roots, when exposed, are much more prone to damage and decay than the rest of the tooth, so it is important to restore the protection gums provide as thoroughly as possible.

Gum disease is best stopped and treated early. If you have experienced any symptoms of gum disease, please come in for an examination by Dr. Forrest Packard as soon as possible. The entire staff at our Ellensburg, WA, office is ready to help you have a healthy smile again.